An MSK (musculoskeletal) physiotherapist can provide expert assessment and advice to help you manage pain, disability and injury to your joints, muscles or spine.
They do this through questioning and physical assessment.
They want to know what impact these problems are having on your life. Together you will discuss ways they can help aid your recovery and guide you to achieve your goals.
They can assist in helping you:
- understand and manage your MSK problem better
- improve your movement and strength
- maximise your function e.g. climbing stairs, returning to football
MSK Physiotherapy may not help if you:
- have longstanding aches and pains especially if these are widespread
- you have received no benefit from physiotherapy in the past
- you are attending the pain clinic for the same problem.
Self Referral
Click here for information about self-referral - How to access the Physiotherapy Service - NHSGGC
For more information and helpful advice, please visit the GG&C Physiotherapy Website