Latest News

16th Jan

Pain Education Sessions - Clydebank Health Centre

Do you have long term pain?

Learn more about persistent pain and what you can do for yourself at a two-hour education session

Pain Education Sessions.pdf

13th Nov 2024

Confirming your place on the NHS Scotland waiting list

NHS Scotland is using a text message service to ensure our patient waiting lists are up to date and that patients still need their appointments or operations. To help us book patients for their appointment or operation as quickly as possible, we’re testing a new service to help us understand if patients’ needs have changed. This service will be delivered by the NHS Scotland National Elective Coordination Unit (NECU) in partnership with the digital solutions provider, DrDoctor.

Confirming your place on the NHS Scotland waiting list

8th Nov 2024

Why we're running an on-the -day appointment system

Along with other General Practices across Scotland, we’re currently experiencing extremely high demand for our services. At times of high demand many General Practices decide to switch to an on-the-day appointment service, to make sure that every appointment they have available is used to the best effect.

Our on-the-day appointments system allows us to keep as many appointments as possible available each day for patients who have urgent health concerns, along with a limited number of appointments for patients who have ongoing concerns.

We understand that only being able to book same-day appointments can be inconvenient, but at the moment we believe it allows us to offer the safest service possible. We keep the on-the-day appointment system under review on an ongoing basis.

Pre-booking appointments can mean appointments aren’t used efficiently

When we offer pre-booked appointments, we find that some health concerns have resolved by the time the appointment is due, or that people have found appropriate help from other services, such as their local pharmacy. This – and people not attending appointments for other reasons – can mean that our appointments aren’t used as efficiently as possible.

Pre-booking appointments can lead to long waits for routine appointments, for health concerns which haven’t been assessed by a clinician

At times when patient demand exceeds the Practice’s capacity, pre-booking appointments can very quickly lead to the first available routine appointments being a number of weeks away and only a small number of appointments being available each day for new urgent health concerns. This is also not ideal for patients and – we believe – not as safe.

7th Nov 2024

Why is your GP Practice so Pressured?

5 Reasons why your GP is so busy

  • FUNDING - Declining share of the NHS budget over the past 20 years
  • GP NUMBERS - Whole time equivalent GP numbers have fallen over the past 10 years
  • PATIENT NUMBERS - 450,000 more patients registered in GP practices in the last 12 years
  • COMPLEX CARE - More elderly patients and people with long term illness to care for
  • GP PREMISES - Lack of investment in GP premises needed to deliver the right care

Why is Your GP Practice so Pressured

5 Reasons Infographic

29th Aug 2024

Lidocaine medicated Plasters (Ralvo)

As a Health and Social Care Partnership we are committed to ensuring that we prescribe effective and safe treatments. We provide regular reviews for patients who are taking medications long term.

Lidocaine plasters are licensed only for the short-term treatment of post herpetic pain – that is pain that occurs following shingles infection. It is also used to treat other types of pain, but this use is unlicensed.

This means that the long-term safety of using this product has not been established.

There is very little evidence that lidocaine plasters work for nerve or other types of pain.

Therefore, following new guidance issued by NHSGGC Health Board after the review of the cost- effectiveness of this medication, there is a recommendation to reduce and discontinue the use of these lidocaine patches.

Use of the plasters often causes desensitisation of the nerve endings meaning continued use is unnecessary and many patients have found that discontinuing these plasters has led to no worsening of their pain control.

Anyone receiving these plasters who feels they need some extra help when discontinuing these patches should please contact the practice who will organise an appointment with the pharmacist who will give advice on how to manage their pain. We can also signpost to alternative resources for pain management. Please note there is no direct alternative that can be used instead of lidocaine plasters. 

Lidocaine plasters will be removed from repeat prescription list for request. Anyone who feels the need to continue on these plasters should please contact the practice who will organise a conversation with the pharmacist.

18th Jun 2024

Type 2 Diabetes Hub

The free, online, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Type 2 Diabetes Hub hosts information to help anyone who needs support to self-manage their Type 2 Diabetes or support a family member or friend in doing so.


The hub includes information on what Type 2 Diabetes is, the symptoms, and how it can be managed via eating and movement – including recipes, cooking demos, and exercise.

Control IT Plus can also be accessed via the hub. This is a lifestyle programme for people who have been diagnosed with, or are at risk of developing, Type 2 Diabetes. It is delivered online by a range of NHSGGC health professionals, across two interactive sessions.


Find the GGC Type 2 diabetes hub - here

6th Jun 2024

Sandyford for Young People

Sandyford is a confidential space for young people who are sexually active or want information on relationships and sexual activity. Our dedicated Young People Service offers a mixture of drop-in and appointment clinics in the Greater Glasgow area for any 13-17 year-olds who want support or care for their sexual health.

Visit the link below for more information, opening times and contact details.

12th Mar 2024

Screening information for the transgender community

No matter which, if any, gender you identify with, it’s important you’re aware of which screening services you’re eligible for. This screening information is provided to help you access the screening you’re eligible for. Screening information for the transgender community | NHS inform

7th Mar 2024

Maternity Services

As soon as you have had a positive pregnancy test, we recommend you start taking Folic Acid and Vitamin D supplements (if you have not already started). Your local pharmacy can advise you on how much to take.


To start your pregnancy journey you should also self-refer to maternity services:


You can book in online here - Meet Your Midwife - NHSGGC or you can call the Maternity Booking Line on 0141 347 8422

29th Feb 2024

Waiting Times

We are aware that there are significant delays in outpatient appointments at the moment. Please contact appointments on 0141 347 8850 if you wish to find out about your place on the waiting list. 


NHS inform has helpful informaiton about waiting times for outpatient appointments and planned operations - Waiting times | NHS inform

30th Jan 2024

Dental Problems

If you urgently need a dentists but you are not registered to a clinic, you can contact the Emergency Dental Treatment Centre on 0141 232 6326, Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. 

For further information about dental services, click this link - Dentist - NHSGGC

9th Jan 2024

When to call 999

You should call 999 in a life-threatening emergency only. Life-threatening emergencies are different for adults and children.

Adults – call 999 or go to A&E now for any of these:

  • signs of a heart attack
    chest pain, pressure, heaviness, tightness or squeezing across the chest
  • signs of a stroke
    face dropping on one side, cannot hold both arms up, difficulty speaking
  • sudden confusion (delirium)
    cannot be sure of own name or age
  • suicide attempt
    by taking something or self-harming
  • severe difficulty breathing
    not being able to get words out, choking or gasping
  • choking
    on liquids or solids right now
  • heavy bleeding
    spraying, pouring or enough to make a puddle
  • severe injuries
    after a serious accident or assault
  • seizure (fit)
    shaking or jerking because of a fit, or unconscious (cannot be woken up)
  • sudden, rapid swelling
    of the lips, mouth, throat or tongue

British Sign Language (BSL) speakers can make a BSL video call to 999.

Deaf people can use 18000 to contact 999 using text relay.

Children – call 999 or take your child to A&E now for any of these:

  • seizure (fit)
    shaking or jerking because of a fit, or unconscious (cannot be woken up)
  • choking
    on liquids or solids right now
  • difficulty breathing
    making grunting noises or sucking their stomach in under their ribcage
  • unable to stay awake
    cannot keep their eyes open for more than a few seconds
  • blue, grey, pale or blotchy skin, tongue or lips
    on brown or black skin, grey or blue palms or soles of the feet
  • limp and floppy
    their head falls to the side, backwards or forwards
  • heavy bleeding
    spraying, pouring or enough to make a puddle
  • severe injuries
    after a serious accident or assault
  • signs of a stroke
    face dropping on one side, cannot hold both arms up, difficulty speaking
  • sudden rapid swelling
    of the lips, mouth, throat or tongue
  • sudden confusion
    agitation, odd behaviour or non-stop crying

British Sign Language (BSL) speakers can make a BSL video call to 999.

Deaf people can use 18000 to contact 999 using text relay.

23rd Oct 2023

Right care right place ...

Are you confused about who to call when you have a medical problem? This helpful NHS inform page highlights all the services available so that you get the right care at the right place ...

stepping stones
3rd Oct 2023

Stepping Stones Services Person Centred Counselling

Stepping Stones current services are listed below and available to all residents of West Dunbartonshire who are aged 16 years or older. The services can be accessed in the following locations across West Dunbartonshire. - Clydebank Library - Clydebank Health and Care Centre - Ben View Resource Centre, Dumbarton - Riverside Church, Dumbarton - Vale Centre for Health and Care, Alexandria. Each service has a waiting time that can vary between 3-6 months depending on the amount of referrals they receive.

(1:1) Peer Support Work

(1:1) General Mental Health Support Work

(1:1) Guided Self Help

(1:1) Social Groups Walking Groups

Relaxation Classes

Bereavement and Loss Peer Support Group

Women's Support Group

Self-Management Classes


To make a referral call 01419412929, or send a referral query by clicking this link - Referrals - Stepping Stones (

broken bone
19th Sep 2023

Minor Injuries

If you have a minor injury, such as a cut that need stitches, a broken bone, a sprains or minor burn, please call NHS 24 on 111 and ask for the Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) service.

NHS 24 will give you advice on what to do next. This may include a video or telephone consultation, and/or, a face-to-face appointment at one of our MIUs.

If you are referred to the MIU, your assessment will be carried out by a team of highly experienced staff, led by Emergency Nurse Practitioners. They will give you quick access to health information, advice and treatment. Treatment includes being able to arrange x-rays if required, apply plasters or splints and stitch and dress wounds.


Your local MIU can treat you if you have:

  • Cuts and wounds (including those that may need stitches)
  • Minor burns and scalds
  • Sprains, minor injuries or broken bones – in legs below the knee, and arms below the shoulder, where you can bear the weight through your foot or move your fingers (our experienced staff can arrange x-rays and apply plaster if required)
  • Insect bites or other animal bites
  • Tetanus immunisation after an injury
  • Minor head injury – where there has been no loss of consciousness or vomiting, and no residual symptoms i.e. headache, nausea, visual disturbance, dizziness or any other symptom of concussion
  • Removal of foreign bodies from eyes, nose or ears
  • Nose injuries and broken noses
  • Removal of rings, earrings and studs.

This link takes you to the GGC MIU website - Minor Injuries Unit - NHSGGC

joint pain
6th Jul 2023

Nuffield Joint Pain Programme


The Nuffield are running a free Joint Pain Programme to help relieve pain and lead a more independent life.

Over the 12-weeks you'll learn how to self-manage your joint pain with the expert guidance of a Rehabilitation Specialist. You'll have two 1-hour group sessions each week, as well as access to an extensive offering of online articles throughout.

You'll also receive a free Joint Pain Health assessment at the beginning, middle and end of the programme – not only to show your progress, but also to allow us to better understand conditions, ensure the efficacy and safety of the programme, and continually improve.


Find out more information here -

8th Jun 2023

Prescription Requests

It is now even easier to order your repeat precriptions online!

  • If you are a registered user please order your prescription via the link at the top of this page (Online services) . 
  • If you are not registered please complete the Request Repeat Prescription Form

If you are not able to use these forms, you can order your prescription by telephoning the dedicated “Prescription Line” on 01389 312200.  This is a 24 hour service which is available 7 days a week.


You may have your prescriptions sent to the local pharmacy in Old Kilpatrick or a pharmacy of your choice in the Clydebank area.  You should allow 72 hrs (not including weekends) from the time of your request to the prescription being completed by the practice. There is additional time for processing then at the pharmacy. Please bear this in mind when ordering your prescription.  Prescriptions can also be collected from the practice but allow 72 hours following your request.  If there are any problems with your request the practice will contact you via phone or text message. 


We have a large volume of calls relating to prescription requests which block the phone lines for appointments and urgent matters. We ask that you leave 72 hours from when you have requested the medication to make any enquiries and contact your local phamrcy in the first instance if your prescription goes there directly. We thank you for your co-operation on this matter. 

9th May 2023

Pharmacy First

Did you know NHS Pharmacy First Scotland is a free NHS service provided by your local community pharmacy???

If you have a minor illness, a pharmacy is the first place you should go for advice.

You do not usually need an appointment and you can go to any pharmacy.

Your pharmacist can advise you and provide free medication if required for conditions such as:

Follow this link for more information -

9th May 2023

Lunch time closure

From Monday 24th April, the practice will be closed between 12:30 and 13:30 everyday. This is to allow for administration, training and lunch. We thank you for your understanding. In case of emergency, please call the practice in the usual way for advice. If you have a life threatening emergency call 999.