ADHD Medication Policy
Policy on the Prescription of ADHD Medications
We are aware of significant challenges faced by patients trying to access assessment and treatment for symptoms of ADHD. As a result, many patients are choosing to pay for assessments in the private sector.
There is Shared Care Agreement between GP practices and NHS GG&C Mental Health Services that allows GP to safely prescribe medications for ADHD with the monitoring and assessment being done by the local Mental Health Team. No such agreement is in place with private clinics.
There is a wide range of private clinics and varying levels of expertise within the assessors. As we cannot guarantee the quality of assessment and recommendations, our policy is that we do not prescribe ADHD medications requested by private clinics. This is in line with GGC Policy available here - GGC Policy ADHD Medication
Patients can be referred to Mental Health Services for consideration of treatment, where they have previously been assessed and/or treated for a condition out with NHS GG&C. Patients who are referred will be triaged and assessed by appropriately trained NHS clinicians. Private assessments can be forwarded to local Mental Health services and may be accepted if the assessment has been made by a specialist psychiatrist, paediatrician and/or an appropriately qualified health care professional with training and expertise in the diagnosis of ADHD. If the assessment is deemed to be above the criteria when assessed by the Mental Health team, patients may be offered an appointment to discuss treatment options rather than another assessment to prevent duplication. If the assessment does not meet the criteria, patients may be offered a further ADHD assessment.